Have you ever needed to jot down a note quickly and be able to easily find it later? Ever wanted to copy a selection of text while web browsing for later reading without copying and pasting between applications or saving the text to a file? EZNote can do these things and more at the touch of a key (which will instantly bring up a text editor) without having to leave the application you are in!
Of course, you'll be able to hit another key at any time that will bring up a list of all your notes, which you can edit, delete, search, replace, print and move from category to category (create as many categories as you like) with ease! EZNote lets you do all standard text editing including changing fonts, styles, sizes, etc. Another extremely handy feature allows you to select text from any note and have EZNote automatically paste the text directly into any text document you are working on.
Some uses for EZNote:
* bring up a text editor instantly with one key press!
* quickly edit text on the clipboard (edit, change it to all uppercase or lowercase, remove line feeds, etc.)
* copy selected text from any application with one key stroke and store it for later reading or editing
* keep an on-line journal of daily activities
* keep a To Do list
* keep commonly used text clippings to be able to paste into any application
* grab a note or selection of text from any category without having to leave the application you're in with a keystroke!
* maintain a simple and easy to access address book and phone number list
* Collect and organize the information from those scattered text document and clipping files
* Want to add on-line help to an application that doesn’t already have it? If an application does not have on-line help but does have help in the form of text files, you can drop those text file(s) into a category folder (see the Categories chapter below) and use EZNote as on-line help for that application! :-)
New features added in version 1.1:
Color Menu, support for Internet config & ICeTEe, smart quotes, fixed Kaleidoscope bug with scroll bar, replace all, can now drag over menu titles, several bug fixes and added many new Plugins (Capitalize Sentences, Capitalize Words, Convert %Hex [e.g., %09 = Tab], Convert CRs to CR/LFs, Convert CRs to LFs, Convert LFs to CRs, Convert spaces to 1 space, Make lowercase, Make Smart Quotes, Make Smart Quotes Dumb, Make UPPERCASE, Phone Letters to Numbers, Phone Number Dialer, Strip <html tags>, Strip Control Characters, Strip CR/LFs, Strip CRs, Strip Leading Spaces & Strip LFs)!
New features added in version 1.11:
Added ability to set printing margins, added new Plugins (Add CRs & Email Reply), several Bug fixes (fixed conflict with TypeIt4Me, fixed problem where some characters were dropped while typing in certain applications, fixed alias problem)
New features added in version 1.2:
Added templates, added popup menu for template insertion into any editable text, added text form ability (option-tab from field to field within text if fields are within [] brackets), Plugins now use folder hierarchy (for different Plugin categories), added several new Plugins, several Bug fixes (find next, zeros in dates bugs fixed).
New features added in version 1.3:
Added Appendables (you can append text selections to any notes in the Appendables folder), added Show Selection, Save As, Rename Category, Other Font Size, Plugins to popup menu (can now select text in an application, bring up the EZNote popup menu and select a Plugin to work on the selected text in the application, no need to bring up the EZNote window!), several Bug fixes. Also, changed the name from QuickNote to EZNote.
New features added in version 1.4:
Added searchable comments for each note (which are linked with the Finder comments), can now choose between saving notes as clipping files or standard text files, window is moveable and resizable (and the location & size is now remembered after restarting) and so is the list, added a Duplicate Note command, added Get Character command to display all characters and allow you to click on any character to insert it into the text. Can now set the file type & creator of the notes that are created by EZNote. Also, several bug fixes.
Bug fix in version 1.41:
Hitting the Return or Enter key to quit EZNote on some computers would cause a crash, this has been fixed.
What comes in the EZNote package?
Your EZNote package should contain the following files:
• EZNote
• EZNote Documentation
• EZNote - Read Me First! (a SimpleText file)
• EZNote Plugins - (contains Plugins for EZNote)
• Registration (open me!)
(fill out the registration form with this application)
• Problem with registration app? (a SimpleText file to use
if the Registration (open me!) application does not work
for some reason)
Who wrote this thing?
EZNote for the Macintosh was written on a Power Macintosh 9600/350 by John V. Holder.